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Робоча зустріч з керівництвом ТОВ «Запорізький титано-магнієвий комбінат»

On August 18, 2023, an on-site working meeting of representatives of the Ukrainian State University of Chemistry and Technology was held under the chairmanship of Acting Rector Professor Kostyantyn Sukhoi with the leadership of Zaporizhzhia Titanium-Magnesium Plant LLC. Currently, LLC “ZTMK” is a powerful and high-tech plant that is the only one in Europe that produces titanium sponge, titanium ingots and other products of strategic importance for the economy and security of the state.

A tour of the workshops of this huge enterprise was conducted for the delegation of our university.

An agreement has been concluded between the Ukrainian State University of Chemistry and Technology and LLC “Zaporizhsky Titanium-Magnesium Plant” on cooperation, targeted training of students to work at this enterprise, internships for university students, and scientific cooperation.

Kostyantyn Sukhyi emphasized that this meeting opens up new ways of cooperation between scientists of our university and specialists of ZTMK in order to use the scientific potential of the university for the development and implementation of new technologies in production.

The general director of ZTMK noted that the company is interested in young, ambitious specialists of our university for the development and expansion of the company and meeting all the needs of the state in such a strategic product as titanium.