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Regulations on the activities of the Center for Innovative Costs of the Printing Industry, Publishing Houses and Digital Technologies Cluster have been signed

Dnipropetrovsk publishing and printing cluster with the support of GIZ Ukraine within the framework of the EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs project

Thanks to EU4Business – an initiative of the European Union that helps small and medium-sized enterprises in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (more details: www.eu4business. an extremely important event for Dnipropetrovsk region became possible – the creation of the Center for Innovative Costs Cluster of the printing industry, publishing houses and digital technologies (KPI VCT) on the basis of State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State Chemical and Technological University”

On June 8, 2023, a solemn procedure for signing Regulations on the activities of the Center for Innovative Costs took place.

The provisions were signed by authorized persons from the parties (cluster and ZVO): Natalia ISAYEVA, head of the cluster, director of Format A+ Publishing and Printing House, and Kostyantyn SUKHY , rector of UDHTU, the only chemical-technological higher education institution in Ukraine.

The Center for Innovative Costs will contribute to the awareness of Cluster participants about international standards and best practices in the field of printing by organizing special training events, stimulating the exchange of knowledge and results of research work, as well as providing technical support, European integration and international partnership in general. The center will help develop the potential of people, business organizations and the country as a whole by conducting a series of activities aimed at training and regional cooperation

The main areas of activity of the Center for Innovative Costs:

  • ensuring high-quality, including with the use of pedagogical, technological and industrial innovations, higher and primary professional training, retraining, advanced training, internships for education seekers, in particular, persons from among the unemployed population, employees of economic entities;
  • combination of practical training of education seekers with the production of useful products, provision of services that correspond to the profile of personnel training on the basis of the Center for Innovative Costs in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine;
  • research, development and optimization of modern printing materials.

The development of partnership with non-governmental partner organizations and business structures of European countries became possible thanks to the implementation of the grand project “Innovative industrial site “Professional Alternative Dnipro”” within the framework of the EU4Business program – an initiative of the European Union that helps small and medium-sized enterprises in the countries of the Eastern Partnership. More details: