International project “Safe drinking water in Ukraine: access to information about water quality and water treatment methods”
GO “All-Ukrainian Water Society “WaterNet” continues the implementation of an international project, co-implemented by the department technologies of inorganic substances and ecology DVNS UDHTU.
Public association “WaterNet” together with “Center of modern water technologies” at the chemical and technological faculty of NTTU KPI named after Igor Sikorsky successfully implemented an online training course for teachers of water disciplines and specialists in the field “Modern methods of water treatment: theoretical foundations and teaching methodology”.
This course was created and implemented within the framework of the project “Safe drinking water in Ukraine: access to information about water quality and water treatment methods”, financed by the Finnish Fund for Local Cooperation of the Embassy of Finland in Ukraine Suomen suurlähetystö Kiova – Embassy of Finland in Kyiv.
The course was attended not only by teachers of the Department of Technology of Inorganic Substances and Ecology of the State Technical University of Ukraine, but also by other interested scientific and pedagogical workers of our university (a total of 30 teachers from 8 departments of the university: technologies of inorganic substances and ecology; technologies of natural and synthetic polymers, fats and food products; biotechnology; pharmacy and technology of organic substances; occupational health and safety; physical culture, sports and health; physical chemistry), teachers of other higher education institutions of Ukraine, leading specialists in the field of water treatment and wastewater treatment.
The course program included 5 lectures by leading international scientists and specialist practitioners, and the active participants of the course received the corresponding Certificate:
Lecture 1. Ukrainian water crisis in the conditions of martial law and ways to overcome it (lecturer: Tetyana Yevgenivna Mitchenko, Ph.D., professor of the Department of TNR, V and ZHT of the KhTP, NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”; head of the Center for Modern Water Technologies)
Lecture 2. Drinking water quality control in the USA: National standards, water treatment technologies, methodology of professional education (lecturer: Volodymyr Tarabara, PhD, professor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Engineering Ecology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA)
Lecture 3. How to cope with new challenges in the water sector (lecturer: Harsha Ratnaweera, PhD, professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
Lecture 4. Systematic numerical analysis of data in the research of water purification processes (lecturer: Maletsky Zakhar, PhD, associate professor of the Norwegian University of Natural Sciences)
Lecture 5. Modern methods of wastewater treatment (lecturer: Valeriya Burlakova, Marketing Manager for Municipal Water in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, DuPont Water Solutions, Tarragona, Spain)
Implementation of this project allows drawing attention to the problems of safe drinking water in Ukraine, the introduction of modern methods of water treatment and wastewater treatment, overcoming the water crisis and reducing the negative impact on the environment, training high-quality specialists in the field of water treatment and wastewater treatment. The participation of higher education teachers in international projects on the development and implementation of specialized courses in the educational process, the involvement of leading international scientists and practitioners in lectures is one of the important factors in ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine.
The Department of TNR and E thanks the NGO “All-Ukrainian Water Society “WaterNet” for organizing this course, and the lecturers for interesting and thorough lectures on water issues.