Home start meeting under the ERASMUS+ program

May 18, 2023 a kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS+ program took place within the walls of the university on the topic: “Innovative Master Courses Supporting the Improvement of the Energy and Carbon Footprint of the Ukrainian Building Stock” / “Innovative Master Courses on Energy Efficiency and Reduction carbon footprint in the construction fund of Ukraine”. Subject: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2, Project number: 101082898 – UKRENERGY.
The event was attended by the rector of the university, representatives of three departments:
- TPP and PM (Kostyantyn Mykhailovych, head of the department, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Petro Ivanovich Bashtanyk, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Oleg Oleksandrovich Kalinichenko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Olga Serhiyivna Sverdlikovska , Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Tertyshna Olena Viktorivna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Artem Olehovych Tretyakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tomilo Vitaly Igorevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tetyana Khokhlova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Yana Oleksandrivna Sergienko , assistant),
- power engineering (Olena Anatoliyina Belyanovska, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Kovalev Stanislav Vyacheslavovych, candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of power engineering),
- TNR and E (Roman Vasyliovych Smotraev, candidate of technical sciences, professor),
and a representative of accounting of the university (Olena Vasylievna Kiselevska).
The home kick-off meeting was held in accordance with the decision of the previous meeting of coordinators and participants of the ERASMUS+ project.
The rector – Kostyantyn Sukhii addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, who informed about the rules of the program for the successful implementation of Erasmus+ projects on the development of the potential of higher education, the tasks, directions, deadlines of the project, familiarized them with the prospects of participation DVNZ UDHTU.
Roman Smotrayev revealed the main possibilities of the Program, which it provides to students and teachers in terms of improving their qualifications, in terms of international partnership, exchange of innovative student training practices, which will allow to update educational programs with modern efforts to increase energy efficiency with using European experience.
Olena Belyanovska presented a list of mandatory and important steps in preparation for studying at ERASMUS+ joint master’s programs and characterized the main tasks of the UDHTU DVNZ for the current period.
Work on the project continues according to plan.