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The name of the research: Patterns of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical processes and their use in the development of multicomponent materials and methods for their control.

Head of the Research: Head of the Department, doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Mykola V Nikolenko

Purpose: To establish the laws of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical processes in the development of composition, methods of obtaining and control methods for multicomponent materials.

Purpose of the work: Studies of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical processes are still relevant, and the development of their theory, as well as effective practical application, are certainly among the main tasks of modern chemical technology. The level of our understanding of their patterns and, accordingly, the effectiveness of their practical application largely determine the progress of many industries. Nowadays, there is an opinion that the basic regularities of homogeneous and heterogeneous processes have been established, and the main problem remains only their correct application to real objects. At the same time, the selection of optimal conditions for carrying out this or that chemical process is still carried out experimentally. This is caused primarily by the fact that any chemical process depends not only on the chemical composition of the reagents, but is largely determined by the conditions under which it is carried out. For this reason, researchers often limit themselves to the “black box” model, aiming to find the optimum for a suitable set of technological parameters and neglecting the task of investigating the mechanism of the process. In our opinion, such an empirical selection of the best conditions for carrying out this or that chemical process without careful thermodynamic and kinetic analysis cannot currently be considered sufficient. The fact is that knowledge of the mechanism of the process opens up the possibility of its purposeful optimization, taking into account all its optimizing factors. Thus, the purpose of the work is to develop a complex of theoretical and experimental data that will allow establishing the determining factors affecting the speed and completeness of homogeneous and heterogeneous processes. The obtained results are aimed at wide use in research organizations and companies producing the corresponding products and will be competitive on world markets.

Field of use: M 72.19 Research and experimental developments in the field of natural and technical sciences.


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