The Department of Analytical Chemistry was founded in 1930. By 1941 the Department was headed by Professor A.N. Zanko. The main scientific direction of the department at that time were physical and chemical methods of analysis of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. The methods of potentiometry, polarography and photometry with the use of ditison and some other organic reagents have been improved.
From 1945 to 1950, the Department was headed by the candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor T.A. Butenko, under his guidance the methods of amperometric determination of aluminum were developed (G.E. Belekeshova), which became a classic example in the educational literature.

professor Yu.I. Usatenko
From 1950 to 1980, the Department was headed by the doctor of chemistry, professor Yu.I. Usatenko. This period of the department was very fruitful. Since the 1950’s, the department has grown rapidly both quantitatively and scientifically. In 1956, the post-graduate course was opened at the Department, and in 1964 it was doctoral dissertation.
Scientific interests of the Department’s staff during this period included various areas of analytical chemistry. For decomposition of ores and agglomerates, for the first time, instead of fusing, sintering with a minimum amount of reagents has been used. Similarly, many other materials were analyzed: samples of chamotte, field and feldspar, open-hearth slag containing chromium (E.A.Klimkovich, N.P.Fedash). The cycle of works was devoted to the search for new titrants for amperometric titrations and the study of their chemical-analytical properties: complexons (MA Vitkin), thiourea and its derivatives (A.I.Tolubara, L.V.Nashivanko, A. S. Sukhoruchkina) , dithiocarbamates and their analogues (F.M.Tulyupa, K.A.Uvarova, S.V.Galushko), 8-mercaptoquinoline (V.I.Suprunovich, V.V. Velichko), mercaptoiopyronons (OM Aryshkevich) , thioanalidae (T.V. Zagorsk), unitiol and its derivatives (E.F. Danilenko), thiosalicylic acid (L.V.Kryukova) and others. Problems of photometric methods of quantitative determination of some noble metals using new organic reagents were devoted to the development of I.S. Panchenko, N.G. Fedorova, N.I. Shevchenko etc. All of them successfully defended their PhD theses. Many effective methods of analysis, developed by the scientists of the Department, were certified and approved as standard, the results of research work were implemented at the enterprises and laboratories of the Research Institutes.
Since 1964, fundamental researches on the chemical-analytical properties of sulfur-containing reagents, their complexes, voltammetry and voltammetric titration were conducted by separate groups of researchers under the guidance of doctoral students who worked on problems:
F.M.Tuliupa – “Chemical and analytical properties of dithiocarbamates and their complexes with metals” (graduate students: V.S. Barkalov, V.A.Pavlichenko, L.V.Nashivanko, L.M. Tkacheva, Z.F.Harus , R. M. Sharonin, L. F. Shvidk, and others).O.M. Aryshkevych – “Mercapto thiopyones in analytical chemistry” (graduate students: L.M.Kutsenko, A.I.Shidlovskaya, L.F.Dyachenko, A.G.Akhmetchyn, A.A.Gallay, A.M.Surmii etc.).V.I.Suprunovich – “Different and all-metal complexes with sulfur-nitrogen-containing reagents in electrotytrimetric methods for the analysis of substances” (postgraduates: Yu.I. Shevchenko, I.L.Plaksienko, S.M.Piurzhok, T.P.Yamnova, L. I.Sushchinsky, L.A.Golovko, T.M.Avdiyenko, Zh.B.Kulikovskaya).
During the years of leadership of the department, Professor Yu.I.Usatenko created a new scientific school, from which 3 doctors of sciences (F.M.Tulyupa, O.M.Arishkevich, V.I.Suprunovich) and more than 60 candidates of sciences came out.

assistant professor V.I. Saprunovych
From 1980 to 1982, the duties of the head of the Department were docent V.I. Saprunovych. At that time, her doctoral dissertation was prepared for defense. After 1982 Victoria Ivanivna worked as a professor of the Department. She conducted extensive scientific and methodological work, was actively involved in the preparation of postgraduate students. Under her scientific guidance, post-graduate students and professors of the Department Yu.I. Shevchenko, I.L. Plakyenko, T.P. Yamnova L.I. Sushchinsky, T.M. Avdiyenko, O.V. Pavlova defended their works.

professor Ye.A.Nechaiev
From 1982 to 1988, the Department was headed by the doctor of chemistry, professor Ye.A.Nechaiev, a well-known scientist in the field of electrochemistry and chemisorption processes. Among the scientific achievements of prof. Nechaev E.A. It should be noted that for the first time he experimentally and theoretically proved that the rule of academician P.А. Rebinder’s impossibility of adsorption of polar compounds from polar solvents was not universal. It was first shown that such unexpected effects are due to chemisorption processes. Found prof. Nechaev E.A. Extremal dependences of adsorption energy on the potential of ionization of organic compounds have found wide application in the theory and practice of various phenomena associated with adsorption processes. Under the direction of prof. Ye.A.Nechaev, M.V. Nikolenko protected his candidate’s dissertation.

From 1989 to 2000, the Department was headed by F.M.Tuliupa, Doctor of Chemical Sciences. Scientific interests of the department’s staff during this period included different areas of analytical chemistry. This is the search for new titrants for amperometric titration and the study of their chemical and analytical properties, the study of the problem of quantitative determination of noble metals using organic solvents. At the Department, under the guidance of prof. F.M.Tuliupa at that time, Kolos O.V. and Vashkevych O.Yu defended their dissertation works .

Professor V.I. Tkach
From 2000 till 2015, the Department was headed by the doctor of chemical sciences, professor V.I. Tkach. The scientific direction of the department was expanded by studies in the field of electrochemical analysis of nitrogen-containing medicinal and bioactive substances using heterogeneous structures of the Keggin structure. Under the guidance of prof. V.I. Tkach, Myronyak M.O. and Volnyanskaya O.V. defended the thesis The Department opened the graduation specialty “Chemical technologies of food additives and cosmetics”. Teachers of the Department (professors Tuliupa F.M. and Suprunovych V.I., associate professors Verba A.M., Avdiienko T.M., Nikolenko M.V., Bubel T.O., Koltseva O.G., assistants Hirenko A .O., Mironiak M.O., etc.) developed new teaching disciplines, lectures and workshops for special courses on chemistry and technology of food supplements and cosmetics.

professor M.V. Nikolenko
Since 2015, the Department is headed by the doctor of chemical sciences, professor M.V. Nikolenko. The scientific direction of the department is supplemented by studies of the laws of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical processes with a view to their use in the development of multicomponent materials and methods for their control. Nikolenko MV At the Department of Analytical Chemistry since 1983: first postgraduate student, and then worked as an assistant, associate professor, and after protecting his doctoral dissertation in 2004 – a professor. Since 2007 he worked as the head of the Department of general chemical technology of UDCTU, and from 2011 to 2015 – the first vice-rector of the university. Prof. M.V. Nikolenko initiateed work on obtaining a license of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the training of students by correspondence form of training and from 2016 on the Department began the preparation of masters post-graduate students in the professional direction “Chemical technologies of food additives and cosmetic products”. He revised and expanded HDC training program; new special courses and laboratory workshops were developed. The cooperation of the Department with related departments of higher educational institutions of Ukraine was activated. In 2017, the Department entered the Association “Perfumery and Cosmetics of Ukraine”.
At present, the staff of the Department constantly work on improving the educational process and conducting active research. The methodical developments on disciplines “Analytical chemistry” and “Instrumental methods of analysis” are constantly being updated, new special courses for bachelors and masters of a professional direction on chemical technologies of food supplements and cosmetics are being developed.