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address: room 330, Naberezhna Peremohy 40b, Dnipro, 49094

tel .: +38 (0562) 47-26-80


The Department prepares specialists for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following fields of knowledge:

Branch of knowledge: 16 Chemical and bioengineering

Specialty: 161 Chemical Technology and Engineering

Educational program:

Chemical technologies for the processing of elastomeric materials

Among the enormous amount of polymer materials, elastomers occupy a special place. The most famous and common type of elastomeric material – rubber, which appeared more than 150 years ago and played an extremely important role in the development of technology.

All achievements in the field of mechanical engineering, automobile and tractor engineering, vibration equipment and the like, in one way or another, are associated with the use of elastomers as structural materials. Therefore, the creation of new types of elastomeric materials has always been a priority for the industrialized countries of the world. Today it is difficult to answer the question of how many world rubber formulations exist, but it is widely known that progress in some industries has often depended on the physical, mechanical and other properties of elastomers and the technology of making responsible parts on their basis.

By properties, rubber is often called a fantastic material: only elastomers combine the properties of a solid (strength, hardness, etc.), liquids (not compressed) and gas (elasticity). The complex of properties of rubber or elastomeric products is determined by a set of materials that are used when they are obtained – rubbers, vulcanizing agents, fillers, plasticizers, and others. An elastomer processing specialist can create rubber with different properties. The rubber can make a lot of different products: from tires for modern aircraft, fast cars or giant trucks to children’s toys and thin medical gloves, from responsible parts for rocket and space hardware and military equipment to sports and leisure products, and so on. Elastomers – this is the usual shoes and suits of divers, and sleeves for the transportation of fuel and lubricants and heart valves, and conveyors in the mining, metallurgical and chemical industries and the details of chips in electronics. Elastomeric materials are widely used for the manufacture of adhesives and adhesives of various applications. Plants for the production of elastomeric products are large and small enterprises equipped with complex mechanisms, units, automatic lines.

At present, the task of obtaining rubber with the given properties is solved on a solid scientific base. The process of choosing the optimal composition is greatly facilitated by the use of computers (computer design). The development of technology pushes to elastomers increasingly stringent requirements, and the solution of new tasks is possible only with the high qualification of specialists, which provides the department.

Students take an active part in the life of the Department.

Many scientific developments of students are tested in industry, and interesting scientific research is marked by diplomas and diplomas of various competitions. Students speak with scholarly papers at All-Ukrainian and international scientific and technical conferences, take part in the international exchange program of students from different countries.

Our graduates, who can work at many enterprises in Ukraine and abroad, have methods of developing and unifying formulations of elastomeric materials, technologies of production of products from elastomers and elastomeric composites, modification and stabilization of the properties of elastomeric materials in the process of their processing; calculations and construction of various rubber products, rubber production management, methods for controlling the technological processes of processing elastomeric materials and their management, methods of utilization of products of production and consumption of rubber products.

Our graduates work at many Ukrainian enterprises:

LLC “Ukrainian Plant of Over-Size Tires” (Dnipro)

DP Ukrainian Scientific-Research Design and Technological Institute “DINTEM”, the city of Dnipro

CB “Southern”. the city of Dnipro

PJSC “Rosava”, city of Bila Tserkva

LLC “Rezinoplast”, Pokrov city

Plants for the production of various rubber-technical products (GTV) in m. Dnipro, Zaporozhye, Mariupol, Lisichansk, Dubno, Kremenchuk, Belaya Tserkov, Lviv, Gnivan, Ivano-Frankivsk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Odessa, Kherson, Berdyansk, Kiev and others.

OJSC “Pavlograd Chemical Plant”

Open Society “Tribo”, m. Bila Tserkva

Ltd. “Walsa-GTV”, city of Bila Tserkva

LLC “Vitlus”, the city of Dnipro

NIK ELKO LLC, Dnipro m

Novomoskovsk Mechanical Plant LLC

Open Company “Azov Cable Company”, Berdyansk

SE DNII “Elastik”, Kyiv

Ukrainian Research Institute of Cable Industry “UkrNII KP”, Berdyansk

and many others.