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Today, students, at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, can study and obtain a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in specialty 051 “Economics”, specialization: “Economic Cybernetics”.

For the degree of “Master in Economics”, specialization “Economic Cybernetics” the following disciplines are studied by students:

  1. Global Economy
  2. Social responsibility
  3. Innovative development of enterprise
  4. Occupational Health in
  5. Civil Protection
  6. Intellectual Property
  7. Psychology and methods of teaching specialty disciplines in higher education
  8. Foreign language for professional orientation
  9. Risk Management
  10. The theory of intelligent decision-making systems
  11. Mathematical methods and models of market economy
  12. Methodology of scientific research in the information economy
  13. Corporate Information Systems
  14. Information management
  15. Analysis, modeling and management of investment projects
  16. Risk management in the financial sector

For obtaining the degree of “Bachelor of Economics”, the specialization “Economic Cybernetics”, the following disciplines are studied by students:

  1. Ukrainian language (in professional direction)
  2. History of Ukraine
  3. History of Ukrainian Culture
  4. Foreign language (in professional orientation)
  5. Philosophy
  6. Political Economy
  7. Microeconomics
  8. Macroeconomics
  9. History of Economics and Economic Thought
  10. Higher mathematics
  11. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
  12. Optimization methods and models
  13. Econometrics
  14. Computer Science
  15. Physical Education
  16. Business Economics
  17. Management
  18. Marketing
  19. Money and credit
  20. Finances
  21. Accounting
  22. Labor economics and socio-labor relations
  23. International Economics
  24. Statistics
  25. Sociology
  26. Regional economy
  27. Life Safety
  28. Economic Cybernetics
  29. Operations Research
  30. Modeling the economy
  31. Forecasting of social and economic processes
  32. Decision making systems
  33. Technology of design and administration of DB and SD
  34. Information systems and technologies in management
  35. Management of information projects
  36. Models of Economic Dynamics
  37. Basics of labor protection
  38. Technical and economic practice
  39. Settlement and economic practice
  40. Politology
  41. science of law
  42. Religious studies and philosophical anthropology
  43. Chemistry
  44. National economy
  45. Mathematical methods of analysis of economic systems
  46. Fundamentals of programming
  47. Financial and economic analysis of the activities of chemical enterprises
  48. Planning of enterprise activity