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VIII International scientific and technical conference “Computer modeling and optimization of complex systems”

On November 1-2, 2023, the 8th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Computer Modeling and Optimization of Complex Systems” was held at the “Ukrainian State Chemical and Technological University” of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology at the initiative of the Department of Information Systems. The work of the conference took place in the following areas:

  1. Promising directions of mathematical modeling:
  2. Models and methods of optimization:
  3. Models and methods of artificial intelligence:
  4. Information technologies in automation, electronics, measuring technology and economics:

Co-organizers were the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Hlushkova, National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky, Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences (Baku, Azerbaijan), Azerbaijan Technical University (Baku, Azerbaijan), AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow, Poland), Delft University of Technology (Delft, The Netherlands), Technical University of Sofia (Sofia, Bulgaria).

At the opening of the conference, the first vice-rector of UDHTU Olexandr Zaychuk, the assistant rector for scientific work Olexandr Kharchenko and the head of the department of information systems Dmytro Zelentsov< /strong>. Leading specialists from various regions of Ukraine became participants in the conference. Many issues of solving practical problems and those that are important in the theory of computer modeling and optimization were considered.

Foreign participants this year were Igor Andrianov, Dr. Ph.-m. Sc., Professor. Institut für Allgemeine Mechanik, RWTH Aachen University Templergraben (Aachen, Germany) with a presentation of research on geometrically nonlinear microbeams and plates, and also Neelam Choudhary (Bennet University professor of Applied Mathematics Department, Republic of India) with a report on topic “Computer simulation of free and forced vibration of compound fuel tanks” in co-authorship with Elena Strelnikova (leading researcher, department of hydro-aeromechanics of Pidhonry Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems NAS of Ukraine, Kharkov), < strong>Olena Sierikova (assistant professor of applied mechanics chair, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine).

Natalia Ausheva Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Digital Technologies in Energy (National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”) presented a report on the topic “Application of hypercomplex numbers for modeling geometric objects “objects”.

For the first time in the work of the conference, the problems of using quantum technologies for solving scientific and applied problems were presented. Khrystyna Hnatenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics named after Professor Ivan Vakarchuk of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, took part in the conference with a report on the topic “Determining the properties of graphs and energy levels of physical systems on a quantum computer” strong>.

The head of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dmytro Zelentsov introduced the scientific developments of the Department of Information Systems of UDHTU to the audience, presenting a report on the topic “The method of corrective functions in the tasks of optimal design of corroding structures”.

Dnipro National University named after O. Honchar was presented by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies Anatoly Kosolap with the report “Comparative computational experiments of global optimization methods”.

Andriy Bomba, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of the National University of Water Management and Nature Management (Rivne) in co-authorship with doctoral student Ihor Moroz presented scientific works on the topic “System analysis in mathematical and informational modeling of semiconductor P-I-N structures”.

Also, the interest of those present was aroused by reports on the neural network method of determining the location of stocks of goods in the warehouse (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Cherkasy State Technological University Yevgen Fedorov) and geospatial data processing (Candidate of Technical Sciences , Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University “Dniprov Polytechnic” Ihor Harkusha).

For the first time, not only representatives of higher education institutions and scientific institutions, but also representatives of the IT industry took part in the conference as speakers. As part of the cooperation of the information systems department with the IT company EPAM, the coordinator of educational programs of EPAM University Ivan Mikheev delivered a report on the impact of components of products on the effectiveness of generative artificial intelligence.

The conference is traditionally an online platform that provides an opportunity for young scientists to present their scientific works. This is how Anton Sofienko, a graduate student of the Department of Digital Technologies in Energy at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Taras Shaptala and Olexii Brychkovskyi presented their reports. strong> – graduate students of the Department of Information Systems of the Ukrainian State University of Chemistry and Technology, Olexii Sergeev, a graduate student of the Department of System Analysis and Management of the National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic”. For young scientists, participation in such events is a good practice of public presentations and an encouragement to scientific work. Winners of the information systems department also took part in the conference as listeners.

The organizing committee sincerely thanks all the participants of the conference for their fruitful work and interesting reports.

Based on the materials of the conference, collection of theses was published strong>, containing more than 120 report abstracts.