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The event industry of Ukraine: challenges and opportunities

The war in Ukraine posed serious challenges to the field of events. However, it was precisely in these difficult circumstances that new opportunities for the active development of the industry appeared. On June 10, 2024, Yanina Zhukova, stage director, cultural scientist, event manager and teacher of the Department of Management and Finance of the Ukrainian State University of Chemistry and Technology, told the Open TV channel about this.

Yanina Zhukova notes that during the war, the field of events not only remained, but also expanded significantly, having a significant impact on cultural diplomacy and other areas.

“Events resist the war through various cultural, artistic, business, sports, charitable, religious, educational, scientific, official events,” she emphasizes.

As examples, Yanina Zhukova cites Eurovision 2024, the events at the Cannes Film Festival, the screening of the film “20 Days in Mariupol” at the NATO headquarters, sports events (Usyk’s fight with Fury, Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Baku), charitable initiatives (United24 platform), religious events (prayer breakfasts), educational events (Open Days, international grants, conferences).

The full interview can be viewed at link and in the video: