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The Department of TNR and E continues to improve its digital skills in the field of higher education in the water sector

The Department of TNR and E SEI of USUCT USUST is actively developing, keeping pace with the times, and continues to improve its digital skills in the field of higher education in the water sector and begins its participation in the new international project “Strengthening Digital Skills in Higher Education in the Water Sector” under the Erasmus+ program. The main goal of the project is to train teaching staff and students in the application of digital solutions in the water sector and to update the educational content of educational programs and laboratory equipment of the department accordingly. The project activities will cover both the department’s teachers involved in teaching the relevant disciplines, and students of the educational programs «Ecology and Environmental Protection» (specialty 101 Ecology) and «Chemical Technologies and Engineering» with a professional focus on Drinking Water and Industrial Water Treatment Technologies in the Production of Inorganic Substances (specialty 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering), who study at the department.

The project brought together lecturers from 9 universities in Norway, Moldova, Serbia, Romania and Ukraine, namely: project coordinator – Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet), Os (Norway); project implementers: University of Niš (Univerzitet u Nisu), Niš (Serbia); University of Galati “Dunarea de Jos” (Universitatea “Dunarea de Jos” din Galati), Galati (Romania); Technical University of Moldova (Universitatea tehnica a Moldovei), Chisinau (Moldova); State University of Moldova (Universitatea de stat din Moldova), Chisinau (Moldova); Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies), Dnipro; National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne; National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv; National University of Lviv Polytechnic, Lviv

The kick-off meeting of the “Enhancing Digital Skills in Higher Education in the Water Sector” (DIGISKILLS) project took place on February 10–12, 2025 at the University of Niš (Univerzitet u Nisu), Niš, Serbia.

The team of the Department of Water and Environmental Engineering in Niš was represented by three participants: Prof. Roman Smotraev (online), Prof. Victor Gevod and Assoc. Prof. Elena Gruzdeva.

On the first day of work, the project implementers met with the leadership of the host party – the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the University of Niš, Prof. Dragan Anty. During the meeting, opportunities for cooperation between the universities were discussed, including participation in scientific conferences, organization of joint projects, as well as the exchange of students and teachers. Our team presented USUST, familiarized colleagues with its main structural divisions and scientific areas of activity.

On the second day of the project teams focused on identifying digital technologies that need to be integrated into the disciplines taught to students at the departments of the participating universities.

The third day was dedicated to planning and distributing tasks between the teams, as well as discussing the transfer of experience from EU member states. Particular attention was paid to providing universities with modern equipment and software for implementing digital transformation.

У межах знайомства з містом та його культурною спадщиною, а також на знак пошани сербському народу, учасники проєкту відвідали археологічний музей і вежу-каплицю Челе Кула – унікальну пам’ятку, що відображає трагічні сторінки сербської історії. Вежа зберігає 58 черепів, які є нагадуванням про жорстокі події минулого та високу ціну, яку сербський народ заплатив за свою свободу.

Команда ННІ УДХТУ дякує колегам з Університету Нішу за організацію зустрічі та комфортні умови її проведення, а всіх колег за співпрацю!