Viktor Isaakovych Olevskyi
Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
The theme of the doctoral dissertation is “Mathematical modeling of the mechanical state of shells with deviations and their application in technological processes” (2015).
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), Faculty of Applied Mathematics, a specialty of dynamics and durability of machines, Department of the applied theory of elasticity, a qualification obtained – mechanic (1988).
Scientific interests: nonlinear shell theory, the summation of rows, GRID technology, cloud technologies, mathematical modeling of technical systems.
Member of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
Member of the editorial board of the journal “Computer Modeling: Analysis, Management, Optimization” (SHEI USUCT).
Reviewer in the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Elsevier, the Netherlands), which is part of the scientometric databases Scopus (Q1, Q2) and Web of Science. Reviewer of the electronic database zbMATH (Springer).
Publications: more than 100 articles in professional editions; 5 monographs, 4 inventions.

Sergii Oleksiiovych Borzov
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Subject of the candidate’s dissertation – special theme (1995).
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), Faculty of Physics and Technology, specialty production of aircraft, faculty of technology of production of aircraft, qualification – mechanical engineer (1989).
Scientific interests: information technologies.
Publications: more than 60 articles and abstracts.

Svitlana Sergiivna Nasonova
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Subject of the candidate’s dissertation – “Modeling of operational reliability and rational planning of the system of technical inspections of steel reservoirs for petroleum products” (2007)
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State Technical University of Railway Transport, Faculty of Technical Cybernetics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Mathematics Department, Qualification – Engineer-mathematician (1999).
Scientific interests: modeling of the behavior of complex systems; computational methods.
Publications: more than 20 articles and abstracts.

Alla Viktorivna Polishchuk
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Subject of the candidate’s thesis “Justification and determination of rational parameters of pressure pulse generators for hydrocycle treatment of coal seams” (1989).
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty of mechanics, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, qualification – mechanic (1981).
Scientific interests: mathematical modeling in geomechanics and ecology.
Publications: more than 60 articles and abstracts.

Tetiana Stanislavivna Naumenko
Senior Lecturer
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty mathematics, department of differential equations, qualification – mathematician (2000).
Scientific interests: mathematical methods of modeling, Padé-type approximations.
Publications: collective monograph, 10 articles, and abstracts.

Iryna Vitaliivna Shapka
Senior Lecturer
Basic education: Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty mathematics, department of algebra and geometry, qualification – mathematician (2006).
Scientific interests: mathematical methods of modeling, Padé-type approximations.

Tetiana Ivanivna Kulikova
Engineer of the 1st category
Basic education: Dnepropetrovsk State Technical University of Railway Transport, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Mathematics Department, Qualification – Engineer-mathematician (1975).