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Quest “City treasure hunters” in the park named after T.G. Shevchenko

On June 8, 2024, students of the Department of Management and Finance of the Ukrainian State University of Chemistry and Technology, specializing in Event Management, completed a workshop on the organization of an intellectual and interactive quest for young people “City Treasure Hunters” in the park named after T.G. Shevchenko with the support of the Dnipro Youth Center. The participants of the event were charged for victory and inspired to pass all stages, anticipating the adventures that awaited them ahead.

At each point, various tasks awaited the participants: solving riddles and performing physical exercises.

After passing the locations, all participants ran to the finish line, where gifts from sponsors and an exchange of impressions were already waiting for them.

The quest not only helped to get to know the park better, but also brought the participants closer together. It was an unforgettable adventure that left behind only pleasant memories. This event is a component of the practical training program as an element of the dual form of obtaining higher education.

Let each student of education find his own way to success, and study will become an exciting journey to new knowledge and achievements!

This event is not the last one this summer. Follow the announcements!

View more photos and read about the event is still available for link