Psychological event “Emotional burnout”
On November 3, 2023, an event on psychological adaptation on the topic of “Emotional burnout” was held on the basis of the UDHTU State Educational Institution under the patronage of the Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Health of the UDHTU State Educational Institution and the Dnipro Youth Council and its representative < strong>Daria Ochigawa.
The event was attended by more than 30 participants – full-time and part-time students, graduate students and university teachers.
The students received theoretical knowledge of the biochemical foundations of stressful emotional states from Ihor Kuchai, a teacher of the Department of Fundamental Disciplines of the Dnipro Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-Traditional Medicine.
The psychologist/art therapist Lolita Geta enriched the participants with practical knowledge on determining their own mental health, prevention and prevention of a stressful depressive state with subsequent emotional burnout.
Listeners mastered practical skills for overcoming mental, emotional, physical stress and emotional burnout under the guidance of correspondence student of the X and HT faculty, graduate of the Kyiv National University of Physical Culture and Sports, rehabilitator Hanna Volova.< /p>
Listeners mastered practical skills for overcoming mental, emotional, physical stress and emotional burnout under the guidance of correspondence student of the X and HT faculty, graduate of the Kyiv National University of Physical Culture and Sports, rehabilitator Hanna Volova< /strong>.< /p>