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Flash mob of the SEI USUCT “We unite souls with the word of the Kobzar”

To mark the 211th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birth, a literary event was held at the educational and scientific institute “Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology” USUST, which united students around the immortal creativity of the Kobzar. The organizers of the celebration were the Student Council of the USUCT National Research Institute and participants of the literary project “Literaturnik USUCT”.

The event became a real celebration of words and creativity. Participants read Shevchenko’s poems, performed his works in different languages, shared excerpts from the Kobzar’s prose and told interesting facts about his life and creative path.

One of the brightest parts of the event was the presentation of illustrations from the project “Shevchenko’s Quantum Leap”. This project is a true symbiosis of art, science and modernity, where the classic images of Shevchenko find new life. The author of the works is the famous Ukrainian illustrator and designer Olexandr Grekhov.

Such events are not only an opportunity to honor the memory of the great poet, but also to recall his contribution to the culture and history of Ukraine. It is especially valuable that the initiative to organize the event came from students who seek to preserve and popularize Shevchenko’s legacy among young people.

Taras Shevchenko’s work remains relevant after centuries. His words find a response in the hearts of new generations, inspiring the fight for freedom, truth and independence. The song “My Thoughts, Thoughts” performed by Maria Verbytska sounded at the event, which became a real emotional chord of the evening.

Shevchenko March at the SEI of the USUCT is not only literary readings, but also exhibitions in the library, flash mobs and joint efforts of students and teachers to honor the memory of the great Ukrainian.

We thank everyone who helped organize and participate in the event. Shevchenko’s work is an eternal source of inspiration that reminds us of the power of the word, the importance of freedom and the indomitability of the Ukrainian spirit.

Together we unite souls with the word of the Kobzar!