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The following disciplines are taught at Department of Organic Chemistry for our students:

  • Organic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry in Ecology

The main educating forms at the Department are:

  • Lectures
  • Laboratory work
  • Practical training
  • Seminar classes
  • Consultation
  • Individual tasks
  • Homework
  • Independent work of students

Methodical instructions and lecture notes, recommended for preparation for practical, seminar and laboratory classes:


Programs for work on disciplines taught at Department of Organic Chemistry

  • Конспект лекцій з дисципліни органічна хімія для студентів ІІ курсу технологічних спеціальностей. Частина 1. / Укл. О.В. Просяник, О.С. Лебідь, Н.В. Куцик-Савченко – Д.: ДВНЗ УДХТУ, 2017. – 113 с.(Завантажити)
  • Методичні вказівки до курсу органічної хімії для студентів І-ІІ курсів денної форми навчання напрямів біотехнологія і харчова технологія та інженерія за темою «Біоорганічні сполуки» / Укл.: О.В. Просяник, О.С. Лебідь,    Н.В. Куцик-Савченко – Дніпропетровськ: ДВНЗ УДХТУ, 2013. – 51 с.(Завантажити)
  • Методичні вказівки “Основи будови та реакційної здатності органічних сполук” / О.В. Просяник, О.С. Лебідь, Н.В. Куцик-Савченко – Д.: ДВНЗ УДХТУ, 2004. – 26 с. (Завантажити)
  • Методичні вказівки та контрольні завдання для підготовки до виконання контрольної роботи № 1 з органічної хімії для студентів заочної форми навчання за напрямами: хімічна технологія, фармація, біотехнологія, видавничо-поліграфічна справа, харчова технологія та інженерія / О.В. Охтіна, Л.О. Соколова, Т.І. Гайдук, – Дніпропетровськ: ДВНЗ УДХТУ, 2013. – 76 с.(Завантажити)

Programs for work on disciplines taught at Department of Organic Chemistry:

  1. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students of specialty 161 – chemical technologies and engineering in specialty chemical technology (chemical technologies of organic substances, chemical technologies of processing of polymeric and composite materials, chemical technologies of macromolecular compounds, chemical technologies of wood processing and plant raw materials)(Download)
  2. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students of specialty 226 – Pharmacy specializing in pharmacy (pharmaceutical technology) (Download)
  3. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students of specialty 161 – chemical technologies and engineering in specialty chemical technology (chemical technologies of fuel and carbon materials, chemical technologies of processing of polymeric and composite materials , chemical technologies of alternative energy resources) (Download)
  4. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051301 – Chemical technology specialty 7.05130110 – Chemical technologies of processing of wood and vegetable raw materials (on the basis of junior specialist) (Download)
  5. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051301 – Chemical technology specialty 7.05130101 – Chemical technologies of inorganic substances (on the basis of junior specialist) (Download)
  6. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051301 – Chemical technology specialty 7.05150101 – Chemical technologies of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials (on the basis of junior specialist) (Download)
  7. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051401 – Biotechnology in the specialty 7.05140101 – Industrial Biotechnology (Download)
  8. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field of training 6.051501 – Publishing and printing business specialty 7.05150101 – Materials of publishing and printing industries (Download)
  9. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.040106 – Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of specialty 7.04010601 – Ecology, environmental protection (Download)
  10. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051501 – Publishing and printing business on the specialty 7.05150101 – materials of publishing and printing industries (on the basis of OCR of junior specialist) (Download)
  11. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051301 – Chemical technology on the specialty 7.05130107 – Chemical technologies for the processing of polymeric and composite materials (on the basis of junior specialist) (Download)
  12. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051701 – Food technologies and engineering on the specialty 7.05170102 – Technology of fats and fat substitutes (Download)
  13. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051301 – Chemical technology specialty 7.05150101 – Chemical technologies of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials (Download)
  14. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.051301 “Chemical technology”, specialty 7.05130101 – chemical technology of inorganic substances, 7.05130103 – technical electrochemistry, 05130106 – environmental chemical technologies, 7.05130109 – chemical technology of rare scattered elements and materials on their basis, 7.05130111 – Chemical Technology of Food Additives and Cosmetic Products (Download)
  15. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.050202 Automation and computer-integrated technologies on the specialty 7.05020201 – Automated control of technological processes (Download)
  16. Program for work in “Organic chemistry” for students in the field 6.050503 mechanical engineering, specialty 7.05050313 Equipment for processing and food and 7.05050315 Chemical production equipment and building materials enterprises (Download)