Photo-flashmob of UDHTU “Vyshyvanka – your genetic code” for World Vyshyvanka Day
Vyshyvanka is considered a talisman against all evil that can happen in human life.
She is a symbol of beauty, good health, and a happy destiny.
We all especially need positive emotions and inspiration.
Let’s protect traditions!
We love Ukraine!
The family of Sukhoi K.M. the rector of the UDHTU DVNZ
Children of teachers of the UDHTU DVNS

Захар Зогаль

Аношкіна Варвара і Олександр Кривсун

Аношкіна Варя

Радзімовський Даня
Pavlova Valeriya, graduate student, and Pavlova Veronika, HEL
Daryna Lantushenko, Yulia Astakhova, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Ivanenko Oksana, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Hartman Margarita, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Kateryna Valyavska, faculty of F and BT

Polina Vyvtynets, faculty of F and BT

Olexandra Naumenko, Faculty of Science and Technology

Kazmina Yana, Faculty of Science and Technology

Families of teachers of the Faculty of Economics: Tutayev Olga, Snizhana, Zlata, Zhuravel Vira, Fedorovy, Khanenko