On August 1, 2018, applications for a joint Ukrainian-Korean research project will be launched for implementation in 2019-2020. Scientists of institutions of higher education, research institutions and enterprises can take part in the competitive selection. The...
The Ministry of Education and Science invites higher education institutions and scientific institutions to join the Innovation – 2018, within which the innovative startups competition will take place. It will be held on August 27, 2018 at the Taras Shevchenko...
On October 5, 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine plans to hold an information day “EUREKA info day”. Invitation for scientists, young scientists, startup owners, small and medium-sized businesses. During the information day, the...
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China announce the contest of joint Ukrainian-Chinese research projects for 2019-2020. Participants of the competition can become scientists...
The Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, invites foreign nationals interested in specialization, master’s or doctoral studies, diploma and postgraduate studies to participate in the...
In December, 25-29 in Hexter (Germany), the working meeting of the participants on the project «Harmonising water related graduate education / WaterH» within the framework of the European program ERASMUS + was held . The meeting was attended by representatives of 10...