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Training system at USUCT

The duration of the bachelor’s degree in full-time education is 3 years 10 months (four years) and 4 years 10 months (five years) for the part-time course. The duration of the Master’s program in full-time and part-time studies is 1 year 5 months (educational professional program) or 1 year 10 months (educational and scientific program).

The academic year consists of 52 weeks and is divided into two semesters, and each semester – for two tetramers (quarter).

At the first three years of study, each semester, 16 weeks are given for theoretical training and 4 weeks for the preparation and delivery of final control activities. 2 weeks from now is a session that completes semester training.

On the fourth year of undergraduate and first year magistracy, the duration of the semesters of theoretical studies is determined by the requirements of the Branch standards of higher education of Ukraine (they provide for graduate design, state exams, duration and types of practice). Practical training of students is an obligatory component of training and is carried out at advanced modern enterprises and organizations of various branches of economy, science, education, health, culture, trade and public administration.

The total length of vacations during the school year (except for the last, that is, 4th and 5th years) is at least 8 weeks per year.

The curriculum provides disciplines that are compulsory for education, and are selective: some of them are offered by the university, and the other part is chosen by the students. In one tetramestra studied no more than 6-7 disciplines.

Main types of training:

  • lecture;
  • laboratory, practical, seminar, individual classes (take place in laboratories, computer classes, excursions to industrial enterprises);
  • tutorial

 The list of tasks in discipline, distribution of points, terms of implementation is contained in the “Rating Card”, which is issued to students at the beginning of the semester (tetramester). The corresponding departments prepare the methodological provision of the studied subjects (“cases”): work programs, textbooks and manuals, occupational plans, lists of recommended literature, tests and tasks bank, bank of Internet-resources, scientific publications of the teacher. These “cases” can be presented on the university’s website (on the page of the department) and necessarily – in the library (available both in print and in electronic form).

In the library of the university and the educational laboratories, students are engaged in research work and independent study of the educational material. The time for independent work is from 1/3 to 2/3 of the total amount of time provided for the study of discipline. Free Internet access is provided on University site.

Graduates studying the discipline of passing a credit or exam. The account is displayed on the accumulation system, provided that all scheduled tasks in the “Rating Card” are delivered. The exam takes place in writing (with a possible oral interview) or in the form of computer testing. Semester control is the basis for the appointment of scholarships, incentives, transfers, deductions and renewals of students.

In order to harmonize the ratings on the national system and the ECTS system, a rating system for assessing the level of mastering the training material for a 100-point scale is used. The university uses an expanded scale of final control: positive grades – “excellent”, “very good”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “enough”, negative ratings – “unsatisfactory”. The minimum score is 0, the maximum score is 100, the ball of admission to the exam is 35, the credit ball is 51 (“credited”). A student can earn a maximum of 100 points each tetramester of each discipline.

A student who received a score of 86-100 points (grades A and B on the ECTS scale) for mathematics, science, professional and practical training, or more than 67 points (grades A, B, C on the ECTS scale) for the humanities and socio-economic disciplines, the semester exam will be displayed automatically, without additional control.

Scoring and control of the success is carried out using the automated computer system “Learning Process”.

Criteria for evaluating and aligning them on a national scale and ECTS scale


Value ECTS Criteria for evaluations Score in points Score on a national scale
А EXCELLENT – student possesses profound knowledge of educational material, reasonably uses it in non-standard situations, exhibits extraordinary creative abilities in educational activities 96-100 excellent credited/enrolled
В VERY GOOD – student has deep and solid knowledge, able to use it in non-standard conditions. 86-95 відмінно credited/enrolled
C GOOD – student has sufficiently full knowledge, freely applies the studied material in standard conditions 67-85 good credited/enrolled
D SATISFACTORY – student understands the essence of the discipline, the main provisions of the educational material 61-66 satisfactory credited/enrolled
Е ACCEPTABLE – student has an initial level of knowledge 51-60 satisfactory credited/enrolled
FX UNSATISFACTORY – student has the possibility of taking the exam 35-50 unsatisfactoryо not credited
F UNSATISFACTORY – student has to take a compulsory course repetition < 35 unsatisfactory not credited


Transfer of credits can be carried out in the order of transfer of crtedits, which were assigned to students while studying in other educational programs. Transfer of credits (study of disciplines or their individual modules) is carried out on the basis of documents about previously obtained education (appendix to a diploma, academic certificate, certificate of advanced training, academic transcript, etc.), statements from a curriculum card or academic certificate of ECTS.

Credits are re-enrolled without additional student knowledge control.


Student has the right:

  • to receive information about the quality assessment assumptions of the training material;
  • during consultations during the period of theoretical training to increase the level of mastering of the discipline;
  • to reissue certain types of control in order to increase the rating in agreement with the teacher;
  • to receive semester assessment on the results of semester rating (“automatically”) with timely and qualitative performance of all tasks;
  • in the case of transfer from another higher educational institution to the beginning of the semester to pass the academic difference and re-calculate the discipline and individual modules of pre-study.

Student must:

  • know the features of training organization and knowledge control system;
  • adhere to the schedule of classes and timely fulfill all kinds of received tasks.